February 2018
Companies no longer compete on the basis of pricing, features, benefits, process, or even level of customer service. Companies today compete on the basis of customer experience.
This goes beyond the worn out model of “superior customer service”. Every business should have superior customer service. To create an awesome personalized customer experience, we have to look at how, why and where a customer interacts with our business.
YYC Girl Gang / Read Full Article
Janaury 2017
Since 2009, workplace stress has more than doubled. (Source, 2014.)
When you are starting up and running your business, the stressors increase. Not only do you have to think about doing excellent work, you have bills to pay, people to hire and IT issues to solve.
In this collaborative study by University of California and Stanford University, researchers found that mental health issues affect 72% of entrepreneurs compared to the study’s control. What’s more is that they found it is 30% more likely that entrepreneurs will suffer from lifetime depression.
Rising Tide Society / Read Full Article
October 2016
Sometimes there just isn’t enough time in the day, sometimes we just aren’t good at social media, sometimes we just need help.
Introducing Brittany: the boss babe behind Bourbon & Honey and the one girl wonder for helping you with your social media content, and creative writing. Plus she makes one mean lime tart!
YYC Girl Gang / Read Full Article