Feature Friday: Little Tucker


This week's feature is so delicious and healthy! I was introduced to Little Tucker a little while ago while I grabbing coffee from Monogram. They had a little showcase of Little Tucker's energy bites, and I couldn't resist the peanut butter one. I mean, peanut butter!! And that was it - I was hooked. One of my favorite treats from Little Tucker is the Snickers cup, which you can find at many of the listed locations. Anyway, learn more about Little Tucker and the sweetest entrepreneur behind this incredible business.

Tell me a little bit about yourself and your work. Where are you from? What do you do?

little tucker

My name is Laura, and I am the owner of local company Little Tucker. Little Tucker makes 100% natural, raw, gluten free, dairy free & vegan health snacks and desserts. I moved to Canada from Australia 3 years ago and knew almost instantly it would be a place I quickly called home. Just over a year ago I created Little Tucker after deciding I wanted to bring something new to the health food market in YYC. Little Tucker products are now being sold at about 15 cafes, organic grocery stores and fitness studios around town.

What inspires you to do what you do? How did you start doing this work?

little tucker

When I moved to North America, I immediately missed the fresh, healthy, convenient food options that I had available to me in Australia. Without any sort of culinary experience, except my own personal knowledge and practice, I decided I wanted to bring some of those food trends to my new home. I see Calgarians as very active, outdoorsy and busy people, and I wanted to create a product that introduced superfoods and exotic ingredients in a convenient and non-intimidating way. I started by selling at Farmers Markets, and after a few months of receiving really positive responses, I decided to take it to the next level. I now work out of a commercial kitchen, with fantastic employees and amazing vendors.

What inspires you most about your community (city, group of friends, etc.)?

little tucker

Since starting Little Tucker, I’ve been blown away by the amount of support this city provides to entrepreneurs. I’ve been lucky enough to be a part of a great variety of events and initiatives, where I have met some truly inspiring people. Something that stands out the most for me is the supportive female entrepreneur community in YYC. Everyone is so compassionate and kind towards each other, and constantly picking one another up. It truly pushes me to keep doing what I’m doing and inspires me every day.

If you could give anyone who is starting out in your field (business, non-profit, etc.) one piece of advice, what would it be?

little tucker

To never forget what drove you from the beginning. Starting a small business is hard and stressful. There are days that can be totally disheartening, but something that always helps me is to strip away all the details, and simply remember why I started Little Tucker. I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. When I think of how far I’ve come in such a short time, it allows me to put things into perspective and realise that there will always be tough days, but that will never outweigh the passion I put into my work, and my goals when I first started out.

If you want, tell me three fun facts about yourself or your organization.

little tucker

  1. Something that a lot of people don’t know is the meaning behind the name Little Tucker. The word ‘tucker’ in Australia is a slang word for food, or a meal. My aim when first creating my energy bites was to make something as satisfying and nourishing as a small meal would be – hence little tucker – meaning little meal.
  2. I grew up in a big Italian family, where food is what bought my family together. I don’t remember ever ‘learning’ how to cook. It was something that came totally natural to me after watching both parents spend hours pouring love into a meal for everyone. For me, the kitchen is my happy place, where I can drift off and let my creative juices flow.
  3. When I left Australia, I was actually only meant to leave on a 3-month trip around the States, to return back to start my dream job. I had just graduated from my masters in Journalism and been offered a position with Australia’s leading news corporation. When I was travelling, something struck inside of me that I needed to better explore a career that I was truly passionate about, and I decided to apply for a visa to work in Canada and do some self-discovering. Within being here for a few weeks, I knew I wouldn’t be going home any time soon.

Get in Touch

Website: www.littetucker.ca

Facebook: Little Tucker

Instagram: @littletuckeryyc

Do you know of a person, business, non-profit or other organization doing amazing work in Calgary? Tell me about it! Visit the Feature Friday page for more information!

xo _ britt