Feature Friday: Modern Barn
Chrissy is the creative girl boss behind this super cute baby product brand. Chrissy and I met on Instagram and I have enjoyed getting to know her ever since. So whether you are a momma, momma-to-be or a creative entrepreneur, I encourage you to check out more of her story!
Tell me a little bit about yourself and your work. Where are you from? What do you do?
Hi! I am Chrissy Mouland, owner and creator of Acres of Memories (AM) and our new retail line Modern Barn by AM. We are based in the Alberta Foothills, just south of Calgary. I am a momma of 4, Registered Nurse and hobby farmer. I love good chocolate, wine and tea, and all things outdoors. I grew up in Nova Scotia and transplanted to AB 16 years ago.
At Acres of Memories, we make Ellie Ears Head Support Pillows for babies and toddlers on the go. They provide neck and spinal support but helping little ones to maintain proper positioning when sitting or sleeping in the upright position. We also have a line of matching blankets to snuggle up with at home or one the go.
What inspires you to do what you do? How did you start doing this work?
My children and nature are my inspirations. We all want to provide the best care for our kids and that is how I began to make Ellie Ears. My 2 youngest hated being in their car seats or anywhere that they weren’t on their bellies really. I designed Ellie Ears after using a similar product and finding that they were not readily available for sale in Canada. Active families spend lots of time on the go with their little in tow and Ellie Ears can be used in all their activities – stroller, chariot, car seats, swings and hiking backpack/carriers.
We choose our fabrics based on our love of outdoors on the Alberta Prairies and Mountains.
What inspires you most about your community (city, group of friends, etc.)?
Our little town is very family oriented – they embrace the idea that it takes a village to raise a child and I love this. They embraced us when we moved to the area and are now embracing Acres of Memories.
The creative entrepreneur community in the Calgary area has been amazing. The support and sisterhood as helped to drive me to follow this dream and turn a hobby into a business. I love being able to share my experiences to help others, and grow and learn from their experiences too. It is so much better to build each other up.
If you could give anyone who is starting out in your field (business, non-profit, etc.) one piece of advice, what would it be?
Be ready to work hard but know there is a place out there for each of us as we are all different and offer something unique.
Tell me three fun facts about yourself or your organization.
- I lived on the Gold Coast of Australia for a year as Rotary Exchange student – 1 of the best years of my life and taught me that I can stand on my own two feet in anything life throws at me….and that I Love wine.
- Acres of Memories has been involved in supporting local charities including Adele’s Over the Rainbow Baskets, Rowan House, It Takes a Village Okotoks and we believe in breaking down barriers by showcasing people of all abilities in our advertising.
- Tea, tea, tea and more tea – that is what fuels my life. Always caffeinated, always hot, sometimes a latte.
Get in Touch
Website: www.modernbarnbyam.com
Instagram: @modernbarnbyam
Facebook: Modern Barn
Pinterest: @modernbarnbyam
Do you know of a person, business, non-profit or other organization doing amazing work in Calgary? Tell me about it! Visit the Feature Friday page for more information!