Banff, Beavertails and Besties


Have I told you lately how much I love the mountains? It’s been nearly six weeks since I was in the mountains, and since this past weekend was Family Day weekend, so I decided to grab my best friend and steal a few moments in Banff.

This is a snapshot of the day.

First Things First

We arrived in Banff around 11 am, so it was time for brunch. We went to Melissa’s Missteak, which if you have never been, get down there ASAP! I love the home-style cooking, rustic and homey atmosphere and the food is delicious!


Then, we walked in the park and I wanted to capture some artsy Kodak moments, and these happened. So, we should probably practice a little.


Remember Tradition

How you go to Banff and not devour a Beavertail? I enjoyed the banana chocolate selection, while Kaitlin got fancy with things and ordered an Oreo-dusted, cheesecake-smeared and rainbow sprinkle-topped Beavertail.


Enjoy the View

Our next stop was Bow Falls. Last time I was here it was freezing, so I was thankful for the sunshine and warm temperatures. But, really, though, I live the best place in the world.


Then, we had a little fun. There was a small hill that was extremely icy. Instaslide!

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Stop At Relaxation Station

After Bow Falls, we took a drive to the Banff Hot Springs. It was the perfect way to unwind and let the mountain air and views melt all the stress away. But, I have no pictures. No camera of mine is going near that much water.

Finish Strong

What’s better than a locally-brewed beer on a patio with a view of the Three Sisters? Not a lot. We finished the day with dinner at The Grizzly Paw in Canmore, enjoying burgers and brews. We were told we could expect a 30 minute wait, which is no problem when you can grab a Beavertail Raspberry Ale, head out the patio and enjoy it in front of a roaring fire.

Oh, and there were marshmallows. Because The Grizzly Paw knows how to do it.

Perfect way to finish off the best day.


until next time friends.

XO | britt