Watermelon Peach Feta Salad


Three word: Yum! Yum! Yum! Watermelon. Peach. Feta. Salad.

This is the easiest, freshest, sweetest salad you'll make this summer.

I honestly don't know what it is about the summer. I always feel the most nostalgic during this season. These moments are tied to family camping trips, backyard BBQs and watermelon-filled days.

Whenever my family went camping, we always seemed to find our way to a roadside fruit stand and spent hours sampling freshly-made jams and just-picked peaches. And, oh, B.C. peaches - they are like none other. Sweet and juicy, they are the perfect summer fruit.

watermelon peach feta salad

And watermelon? This sweet fruit is so hydrating, perfect for a post-sprinkler snack on a super hot Alberta summer day. And who doesn't have those memories devouring a watermelon with their friends at summer camp or chilling in the backyard.

So this salad is my grown up way to enjoy both watermelon and peaches. The feta cheese balances out the sweetness of both the watermelon and peach. And feta also has a some saltiness to it, and salt brings out the flavour in all ingredients.

watermelon peach feta salad

watermelon peach feta salad

The one addition I would make to this salad is tossing the peaches in chili powder. I got this tip from one of my wonderful food blogger friends. She told me that the chili adds some sweet to the peaches. And she was right: it is amazing! I've paired this combo with roasted pork, potatoes and asparagus, a dish you would have seen on my Instagram if you stalked me long enough! :)

So anyway, enough babbling. Here is the recipe. If you make it, let me know how you like it. Take a picture and tag me!

[recipe title="Watermelon Peach Feta Salad" servings="3-4" time="10 minutes"]


  • 1/4 of a whole watermelon
  • 2 medium peaches
  • 1/2 cup feta cheese


  1. Dice up watermelon.
  2. Dice up peach.
  3. Mix it all together.
  4. Go to Flavourtown!


watermelon peach feta salad

XO _ britt