Feature Friday: True Buch
If you have ever been to a music festival, event or out for coffee at Rosso, you may have heard of True Buch. I first met Louisa, one-half of the dynamic duo at a Stampede Breakfast. I had no idea what kombucha was or why I should drink more of it. Over the past few months, I have not only become a kombucha addict, but I have fallen more in love with this company. These guys are one of the most community-minded businesses I can think of, and I am very excited to share more of their story.
Tell me a little bit about yourself and your work. Where are you from? What do you do?
We are True Buch and we make delicious, organic kombucha using local ingredients wherever possible. Kombucha is a fermented tea with Asian roots. It’s along the same lines as yogurt – good for your tummy and full of probiotics.
True Buch was started by Conrad and Louisa Ferrel. Conrad has been brewing kombucha for almost a decade. With allergies to wheat, lactose and even alcohol, Conrad found that kombucha was one of the only things that his body could tolerate. Over time, his gut got better and better from drinking it.
What inspires you to do what you do? How did you start doing this work?
We love the idea of supporting as many local companies as possible and giving back to the community. We’ve committed to reinvesting 10% of our profits into causes we are passionate about (see our website for more).
What inspires you most about your community?
All of the like-minded businesses in Calgary have been so welcoming and have made it so easy to collaborate and make this city better. We love working with other local entrepreneurs!
If you could give anyone who is starting out in your field (business, non-profit, etc.) one piece of advice, what would it be?
Meet and befriend the other people in Calgary that are doing the same thing as you. It’s so much easier running a business with a support network of friends and like-minded people to lean on and get advice from.
Tell me three fun facts about yourself or your organization.
- Both Conrad and I are chartered accountants who always hated accounting and wanted to do something more fullfilling
- We have a dog named Bob Marley who volunteers at the Children’s hospital
- Conrad built the inside of our brewery by himself in the industrial bay that we have leased
How can people get in touch?
Website: www.truebuch.com
Instagram: @true_buch
Twitter: @true_buch
Facebook: @truebuch
Do you know of a person, business, non-profit or other organization doing amazing work in Calgary? Tell me about it! Visit the Feature Friday page for more information!