What are Instagram Pods and How Do They Work?
One of the reasons I love using Instagram to grow my business is there are a few secret features that are amazing at driving those engagement stats up. Pods are an awesome Instagram feature that boost engagement and allow you to really connect with other people on the network. (And beat that annoying algorithm.) In this post, I am going to talk about what an Instagram pod is and how you can use one for your business or personal brand.
What is an Instagram Pod?
An Instagram pod is a group of people who support each other by authentically engaging in each other's content. Instagram pods are designed to create a harmonious, collaborative community with other Instagram users in your industry.
There a couple different styles of pods.
The Direct Message: Think of the pod as a group message. Anytime you post something new on Instagram, you share it with your pod within your direct message. They like and comment on your post, boosting your engagement.
The Facebook Post: If you are part of an Instagram pod on Facebook, use the daily thread prompts to post your latest Instagram posts. You are then invited to like and comment on the post. Facebook makes it a bit easier to keep track of all the posts and comments.
What do I do in a Pod?
There are two basic ways to use a pod: post and engage.
If you are part of the direct message type of pod, select the arrow button and send the post to your pod. You can add a comment about the image. If you are a part of the Facebook post type of pod, simply copy the post URL and paste it in the thread.
It's also important to engage when other members of your community post their content. Leave a comment that is personal, genuine and generally more than four words. No more "Good one!" or "<3". The purpose of a pod is to create genuine engagement and community - and it's awesome to get real, thoughtful comments.
Still not sure about pods?
Here's a testimonial:
I have been a part of an Instagram pod and a couple Facebook threads for quite a few months. Posting frequently and engaging consistently has increased my reach and engagement by close to 50%. But I've also connected with some incredible business owners and bloggers and started to build some awesome relationships with them.
Just remember that pods are created to be a longer term solution to community building and engagement. It takes time and energy to build relationships.
How do I create a Pod?
The simplest way to create a pod is to invite others to join you. Find other accounts that are similar to yours or accounts you would want to engage with. Send a note to these people, explaining how the pod will work and invite them to participate.
Are you a part of a pod? Tag yours here.