Invivo Wines: A Night In Experience


A night in is so much better than a night out. I am a homebody. I am much more comfortable surrounded my blankets, drinking a glass of sauvignon blanc and watching an action adventure comedy on Netflix. Or reading a book. There's so much hassle involved in going out: coordinating an outfit, doing hair, applying makeup. I would rather stay home and do whatever I like.  Right now, my evenings involve blogging, social media and work. A little boring, I know, but the work will be worth it in a few months (sorry for the teaser!).

This weekend, Invivo Wines treated me (and my best friend by default) to a lovely hybrid of a night out and a night in. We enjoyed a dinner at Cibo, a glass of Invivo Sauvignon Blanc, some chocolate from Calgary-based chocolatier Epiphanie and some sweet-smelling lotion.

I love Cibo. It's a wonderful tapas-style Italian eatery in Calgary's dining district. We ordered a light and fresh bruschetta to start, followed by an orecchiette dish with house made sausage, garlic, broccoli and grana padano. I ordered the mushroom pizza, and Kaitlin ordered the special, a New York striploin with purple potato salad. We ended our dinner with a white chocolate cheesecake topped with a peach and raspberry compote.

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Seriously, the best way to start a night in. By going out for dinner.

We came back home, and I had a little photo shoot with the wine and chocolate. Then we drank it.

And it was delicious.  Invivo's Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 2014 is not overly sweet and has some nice citrus notes. Its bubbly texture was nice on the tongue. And it paired well with the creamy and slightly sweet chocolate from Epiphanie. And as a girl who is more whiskey than white wine, I was impressed. And I'm not the only one: Invivo Wines is actually one of the fastest growing brands among millennials.

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We settled in for a glass of sauvignon blanc and a Brooklyn 99 marathon on Netflix. And the whole experience from dinner to last sip was the perfect night in. Delicious food. Smooth wine. Indulgent chocolate. Luxurious lotion.

You can enjoy a glass of the Sauvignon Blanc at Cibo with a slice of mushroom pizza. Seriously, mushrooms, truffle oil and white wine are a such a winning combination.

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And now, I'm off to recreate my night in experience. Ciao for now!

XO _ britt